Saturday, July 6, 2013

Law of Investment Regulation

Law of Investment Regulation

Both the UK authorities and the CFA consider insider dealing to be wrong. Briefly describe the laws of the UK and the ethical rules of the CFA which regulate insider dealing and having done so, critically evaluate their effectiveness in ‘keeping the markets clean’


·         Description of UK criminal law of insider dealing
·         Description of UK civil law of market abuse insofar as it also covers insider dealing
·         Description of CFA Standard on this topic
·         Discussion of the reasons for regulation

·         Analysis of whether the laws and CFA Standard seem effective in dealing with the problem.

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Friday, July 5, 2013

International Business: Globalization

International Business: Globalization

‘We are mobbing towards a world in which national economies are merging into an interdependent global economic system, commonly referred to as globalization.’ Discuss this statement.

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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Defining Culture and the Dimensions of National Culture

Defining Culture and the Dimensions of National Culture

According to Brewster et al. (2007; p14), ‘there are estimated to be over 200 different definitions’ of culture. Hofstede’s (2001) dimensions of national culture are recognised as one of the most widely known ways of defining national culture (Edwards and Rees, 2006). His dimensions are: power distance; uncertainty avoidance; individualism/ collectivism; masculinity/ femininity; long term orientation (Hofsted, 2001). 

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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Analysing TV: Fictions and Entertainments

Analysing TV: Fictions and Entertainments

With reference to two specific examples, engage with the argument that the sitcom is an inherently conservative television genre that provide little opportunity to experimentation or innovation. Your essay should include both reference to scholarly work and close textual analysis.

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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Marketing Communications: Obesity Campaign

Marketing Communications: Obesity Campaign

Marketing communications are used to communicate with a variety of stakeholders on a range of topics. You are to act as a marketing communications consultant for the NHS North East. An orthopaedic surgeon (Doctor Sellers) is keen to raise awareness of one of the following

‘Obesity campaigns

Using the ‘Wider Issues’ pack a guide, write a reflective document which describes, discusses, and analyses the role of marketing communications in raising awareness of one of the aforementioned illnesses (‘Obesity campaigns’). Please be aware that you are asked to go beyond mere descriptive. Doctor Sellers will expect an analytical approach, coupled with supported recommendations for the future (and longer term use) of the marketing communications mix.

Doctor Sellers will brief the group w/c 4th February 2013 on the Trusts expectations, coupled with informally reviewing final reports.

Writing Structure

1.     Brief background

2.     Evidence of research (30%)

  • What existing campaign(s) exist? (25%)
  • What is the gap in existing campaign(s)? (5%)
  • Awareness of marketing communications mix –including advantages and disadvantages (10%).

3.     Strategy (35%)
  • What is own marketing communications strategy – inc. rationale (10%)
  • Awareness of segmentation, targeting, and positioning (15%)
  • Discussion of thought process including mix elements discounted/minimised (10%)

4.     Analysis (25%)
  • Awareness of legal and ethical implications (10%)
  • How will effectiveness of campaign be measured? (10%)
  • Timeline for launching campaign (5%).

5.     Conclusions

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Monday, July 1, 2013

International Marketing Strategy

International Marketing Strategy

This assignment aims to focus on the key export management decision for selected products / markets.

You will be allocated a range of products to choose from, find a suitable international market for your chosen product and, submit a report outlining and justifying the product/market decisions taken in terms of:

 Market selection/entry
> Product
Communication and
> Pricing strategies 

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