Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Examining Historical Document

Examining Historical Document 

Examine a document or series of documents in light of their shaping history and reflecting conditions and ideas of the time that shape modern times. The reader of your analysis paper should come away with an understanding of the how, what, when, where, why and what effect of the document you are researching.  

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Every Nurse is a Leader

Every Nurse is a Leader
Discussion Question 1
  •  Identify the educational preparation and role s of the clinical nurse leader CNL designation.
  •  Give an example of how the CNL influences direct patient care whether in a hospital or out in the community. 

Discussion Question 2

·         Identify advocacy strategies that you can use to create change in your current workplace.  

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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Positive Effects of Being a Bilingual

Positive Effects of Being a Bilingual

Do an essay about the positive effects of being a bilingual?
In an  essay explain three points about the positive things to be bilingual person.

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Monday, November 17, 2014

The Constitution in Times of National Crisis: The Case of Post-September 11 Incident

The Constitution in Times of National Crisis: The Case of Post-September 11  Incident

Read the article on Ernst  J. L.  2012 . The Constitution in times of national crisis  Contextualizing post-September 11 Constitutional ramifications. North Dakota Law Review  88 (1): 51-95.

Please outline your paper using the following:     
  • An introduction to the author's thesis and reason for the paper. This summary should highlight any relevance and importance of the work.     
  • An analysis of the work that identifies the following point
  • Examine the underpinnings of the United States Constitution and the fundamental liberties that it seeks to protect. 
  • Distinguish the legal roles of response and recovery to natural and man-made disasters.
  • Your reaction to the author's work
  • What experiences or research influenced your reaction
  • Identify significant primary laws that affect emergency management activities. 

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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Emergency Management: Preparedness on Response and Recovery Efforts

Emergency Management: Preparedness on Response and Recovery Efforts

Read the article located in the International Security and Counter Terrorism Reference Center database - Wilson  L.R., McCreight  R.  2012. Public emergency laws regulations: Understanding constraints, opportunities. Journal of Homeland Security Emergency Management, 92, 1-16. doi 10.1515 1547-7355.2034 

In the article  there are significant considerations for emergency managers related to carrying out their duties.

Evaluate the highlighted proposals within the article and discuss how those could be implemented or considered by a local emergency manager.
Please outline your paper using the following 

1. An introduction to establish the level of government and size of the jurisdiction being considered.
2. A body for your discussion of potential areas where and how constraints and opportunities  as examined in the article  could be utilized to support preparedness for response and recovery efforts  The body should focus on two or three key points that come from the work.  

3. A conclusion to your work 

Write your analysis in formal third person at the graduate level. Write your analysis in formal third person at the graduate level.

Please use APA format and ensure that your submission is at least two pages in length  not including the title and references pages.

The paper should not include a table of contents  nor an abstract.    

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Saturday, November 15, 2014

Marketing Plan for Kleberg Regional Airport

Marketing Plan for Kleberg Regional Airport

Kleberg Regional Airport has expressed a desire to expand the scope and depth of its market segment in order to greatly increase sales and its overall value. The intention is to prepare a marketing plan that will aid in the achieving of this goal by means of local and exterior market analysis, organizational interior investigation, economic inquiry and innovative idea.

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Friday, November 14, 2014

Focusing Events: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927, 1930s Dust Bowl, or Texas City Explosion

Focusing Events: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927, 1930s Dust Bowl, or Texas City Explosion

Research an article on one of the focusing events that occurred between the years of 1927-1950 (The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927, 1930s Dust Bowl, or Texas City Explosion). 

Respond to the following questions:

1. Identify the contributing factors that caused the disaster.
2. Why is this disaster a focusing event?
3. Identify the affected population.
4. What social and political groups collaborated to implement changes?
5. What changes were implemented to improve emergency management?

The article review should include a title page, body (a minimum of two pages), and reference page. The body of the paper

should include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Format the paper, in-text citations, and references in APA (6th ed.) format.

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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Immigration Enforcement

Immigration Enforcement 

Immigration enforcement issues have continued to grow in complexity and intensity over the past several years. These debates have stemmed from legal battles, state’s rights, and Department of Homeland Security jurisdiction over immigration enforcement. Questions continue to swirl. Who is an illegal alien? Who can detain illegal aliens? When can they be deported?   

Conduct a case study researching and addressing the following:

  1. Analyze the three chief issues with regards to immigration enforcement in the United States.
  2. Examine state and local law enforcement agencies’ authority to create and enforce their own immigration policies.
  3. Assess which component of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is responsible for immigration enforcement.
  4. Evaluate the federal government’s ability to adequately enforce immigration policy in the U.S.  Provide two changes that might improve the ability of Homeland Security to enforce immigration policy.

Use at minimum of three academic resources to support the case study. Properly cite all references both in text as well as on the reference page. The paper must be at least three pages in length, not including the title and reference pages, and formatted according the APA style.

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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Ending Family Violence

Ending Family Violence

Write a 500- to 750-word executive summary presenting your ideas and recommendations for prevention programs for sexual violence.

Include the following:
*As a human services professional, describe your personal and professional responsibilities toward the movement to end family violence.
*Present your recommendations for possible prevention programs:
Ending family violence
Ways in minimize or eliminate sexual violence
*Please add an conclusion to the summary at the end.

*Format your presentation and paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Middle Adulthood

Middle Adulthood

Part 1:

A person's lifestyle has a significant influence on the person's health and development as he or she moves into middle age (and old age). Stability and change are also common factors in an adult's life.

Describe how middle adulthood provides stability in a person's life. Explain some of the factors that would lead to stability in a person's life as he or she moves through middle age.
Describe some of the more common lifestyle issues that have a negative impact on a person's continued development. Explain how a person may be able to reverse some of the lifestyle influences.
On the basis of your readings, describe what is meant by a midlife crisis. Explain why a midlife crisis may or may not be critical.
Justify your answers with appropriate reasoning and research from your text and course readings. Comment on the postings of at least two peers, and provide an analysis of each peer's postings while also suggesting specific additions or clarifications for improving the discussion question response.

Part 2:

Erikson, Helson, and Levinson provide different perspectives on middle age in adulthood.

Describe each of these theories as it relates to middle adulthood.

On the basis of your readings, compare and contrast these theories. Which one gives a better explanation of middle adulthood?

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Monday, November 10, 2014

Critique of Quantitative Methods Journal Paper

Critique of Quantitative Methods Journal Paper

You are asked to interpret and evaluate the following journal paper attached with this assignment:

Dong, Y, Myeong-Su, Bartol, K.M., (2014), An Affect-Based Model of Developmental Job Experience and the Buffering Effects of Emotional Intelligence, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 1056-1077.

Areas for discussion within the essay are:
  •  Introduction: Key research gaps that the paper is trying to fill
  •  Brief description of current theory and empirical research illustrating incoherencies, inconsistencies and uncertainties
  •  The nature of sample used in the study and an appraisal of its fit for the research question as well as its shortcomings
  • The major part of your paper (at least 1000 words) is to describe the most significant statistics in the paper and what they mean
  • Conclusions: Discuss how the researchers could have done the study differently. Here I’m looking for your creative thinking especially linked to seminar discussions of other papers during this course.

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Sunday, November 9, 2014

PR Effectiveness and Application

PR Effectiveness and Application

i    The aim of this assessment is to enable students to enable students to execute effective PR plans, becoming familiar with, and using recognised planning frameworks. In order to successfully complete the brief, students are to assume they are operating as a freelance PR consultant or working for a well-known PR consultancy.

      As an individual your task is to select one of the following case studies and undertake a review of the campaign focusing on the research phase: 

  •       iris PR and The FA: Women's Super League 
  •       Gatwick Airport and Rabbit: Talk to Gatwick 
  •       Lothian and Borders Police: Made From Crime?

     The aim of this review is to analyse and understand what and how research tactics were adopted in the campaign (if any). 
     Reflect on what research methods worked and what didn’t and finally suggest how you might improve the research phase for the campaign if it were to be implemented again.


     Students should address the following questions: 
  •      What research activities or tactics were used (if any)? 
  •      How could the research activities conducted have been improved? 
  •      How might these improvements have benefited the implementation of tactics? 
  •      How might these improvements have benefited the choice and use of metrics? 
  •      What benefits to the campaign strategy (e.g. objectives, target publics, target messages, etc) might be achieved through your recommendations?

     On completion of this unit you will be able to:

  • Understand how to develop strategic, creative and practical communications plans across all publics (Technical Competence) 
  • Apply different qualitative and quantitative research techniques to inform, monitor and measure PR plans (Research) 
  • Understand how to develop a risk radar, monitor, avert and prepare for potential crises within an organisation. (Experimentation) 
  • Address company issues and determine the best, if any, communication solution.
  • Evaluate and apply the most impactful tools and techniques to address a communications issue or scenario. (Communication and Presentation) 
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the elements within the planning framework, their interdependency and how to determine the right mix of these elements (Subject Knowledge)

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Saturday, November 8, 2014

HRM Theoretical Approaches: Tournament and Equity Theories

HRM Theoretical Approaches: Tournament and Equity Theories


“Tournament and equity theories provide two different approaches to how rewards should be distributed in organizations”. 

Discuss the practical significance of these theoretical approaches, drawing specific attention to the implications for:

  1. Pay structures
  2. External competitiveness
  3. Rewarding performance

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Friday, November 7, 2014

Business Management Marketing: Marketing Event in 2014

Business Management Marketing: Marketing Event in 2014

Select marketing even that has occurred since 1 January 2014. We are willing to accept a wide range of sources for you marketing event in 2014 selection such as newspapers (in the UK or elsewhere), business periodicals (like Bloomberg Businessweek, the Economist, Forbes or Fortune), advertisements (television, radio, print, or online), promotional campaigns (including online), or even articles in academic journals. In addition, it is permissible to draw your experience, such as a purchase you made or a promotion you received via social media. Examples of marketing success or failure are equally acceptable. 

Think about your marketing event in 2014 selection with the following prompt questions in mind:

  • Why is your selection relevant to marketing? 
  • What marketing issues are present?
  • Who are the key players (actors)? What roles do they play (perform)?
  • How and where might your selection be used in a marketing textbook? 
Your analysis/opinion is important as part of your overall response (including how you tackle the above questions). But your analysis/opinion needs to be informed or supported by references to marketing literature. 

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Thursday, November 6, 2014

Gerontology Research Paper

Gerontology Research Paper

You are to prepare a brief research paper on a specific topic of relevance to this course that will also have value in your career/life.

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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Programs and Services for Older Adults – Continuum of Care

Programs and Services for Older Adults – Continuum of Care

  •      Conduct an informal survey within your local community to determine the availability of the following services and options for long-term care:
          a. Transportation
               b. Home maintenance and repair assistance
               c. Nutrition
               d. Home health services
               e. Personal assistance
               f. Homemaker/chore assistance
               g. Mental health counseling/support
               h. Grief and bereavement support  
               i. Home and community-based services
               j. Assisted living, adult foster care, and adult day care 
               k. Long-term care nursing facilities 
                l. Hospice and palliative care
  •      Answer the following questions:
         a. Are there income-eligibility requirements for any of the above?
         b. How are the programs funded? 
         c. Do you feel there are gaps in services and/or long-term care options for older                     adults in your local community? If so, please identify the missing                                           services/programs.
         d. Given demographic projections (e.g., ethnic-racial diversity, increased                                population age 85+, etc.), how do you envision future programmatic needs in                    your community?
         e. How accessible was your information-gathering process? Is information about the               services/programs for older adults immediately available to the general public in               your local community?

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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Program Development – Spiritual Care for Adult Patients

Program Development – Spiritual Care for Adult Patients


  • Your organization plans to develop and implement a spiritual care program that is responsive to the needs of the following constituent groups:

        i. Long-term care residents
        ii. Informal family caregivers
        iii. Formal care-giving staff and direct service providers
  • Prepare a program development paper that addresses the following three parts:

         i. Identify and briefly describe those components you feel are essential for inclusion.
         ii. Provide your rationale for selecting the above programmatic components.
         iii. Do you envision any resistance or roadblocks in implementing your proposed                      spiritual care program?

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Monday, November 3, 2014

High Tech Aging: Improving Lives Today

High Tech Aging: Improving Lives Today

     Technology and Aging in Place
  •  As administrator of an elder home care organization, you are charged with exploring the feasibility of expanding GeroTechnology services relevant to the needs of home-based elders in your community. Among the services being considered are skilled nursing, rehabilitation, household care, adult day care/health, etc.
  • Prepare a position paper presenting your research and informed views, for example:
    • State of the art in home-based technology for your community
    • Cost-benefit projections
    • Recommendations

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Sunday, November 2, 2014

Aging and Family: Public Policy and Family Caregiving

Public Policy and Family Caregiving

Respond to the following questions. Please support your discussion with research-based data as well as your informed beliefs. In the PRB Webcast and text readings, changes in the contemporary American family structure were addressed. Several of these changes were noted as having a significant impact upon aging and family care giving trends.

  • Select and analyze 3 or 4 changes that you believe are most significant
  • Propose a model for framing a public policy response to long-term care being provided by families.
  • What specific strategies will you include in your proposed model?
  • Provide your rationale.

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Saturday, November 1, 2014

Age-Period Cohort Effects

Age-Period Cohort Effects

  •      How do you interpret the National Center for Health Statistics timeline listed in this lesson’s readings?

  •      Informally survey someone you know well who is a member of one of these three cohorts. Pose the following question: What were some of the key historical events during your life that you remember as being important/significant? Briefly summarize your findings.

  •      Many gerontologists argue that “cohort effects” and “historical period effects” (e.g., September 11, the Vietnam War, and the Great Depression) are equally important with chronological age in shaping an individual’s experience of aging. 

  •      What are your views based upon the research and/or your experiences?

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