Monday, October 20, 2014

Business Management: Analytical Business Reports

Business Management: Analytical Business Reports

Assume you are an independent management consultant. You have been asked to write an analytical business report of 1,500 words (see guidelines below for the structure of your business report) on ONE of the following case study companies:

1.      Gucci
2.      Coca-Cola
3.      Deloitte

4.      Madame Tussauds

·    Choose ONE of the following three business and management lecture topics taught and, using this topic, critically examine how the case study company you have chosen can gain and/or increase its competitive advantage in the market.
o   The Marketing Mix
o   Market Segmentation
o   The Product Life Cycle

·    You must discuss, analyse, and evaluate the theories and concepts using appropriate academic literature and examples for the topic you have chosen.

Guideline Structure for Business Report

1. Introduction                                                                              
2. Background on the case study selected                           
3. Critical analysis of case study: demonstrate how competitive advantage will be                 gained/increased by focusing on the topic chosen to provide recommendations
4. Conclusion & Key Recommendations                           
5. References

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