Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Women's Health: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

Women's Health: Pelvic Inflammatory Disease  (PID)

The Research Review Paper  Pelvic Inflammatory Disease  PID 
 Part 1  Introduction 
2 Pages  
For this week s assignment  you will identify a women s health topic and why you re interested in it.  Pelvic Inflammatory Disease  PID  while examining the literature for your selected topic  assess in what way  if any  health promotion  disease prevention  or both have been incorporated or addressed.  According to the CDC  2015   as a nation  the United States spends 86  of healthcare dollars on treating chronic diseases. The Affordable Care Act has included specific language to address illness prevention  health promotion  and wellness for public health  HHS  n.d .
o   Describe the importance of this topic to women s health and in what ways you might incorporate health promotion and disease prevention where applicable. One of the many roles of the advanced practice nurse is to educate  empower  and enable patients and their families to improve and take control of their health.
o   Write two questions about the topic you d like to explore further and explain why.
o   Refer to at least one published journal article related to your topic.   
o   Use these References and 1-2 more Nursing Peer reviewed articles or journals 
o   Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  2015 .
o   Chronic disease   prevention and health promotion. Retrieved from
 http   www. cdc.gov fmo topic Budget 20Information FY-2015-Fact-Sheets          
    Chronic-Disease-Prevention-and-Health-Promotion.pdf    US Department of Health and Human Services.  n.d. .
Read the law. Retrieved from
http   www.hhs.gov healthcare rights law 

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