Friday, August 13, 2010

Margaret Thatcher and the British Revolution

Margaret Thatcher and the British Revolution

Describe the case for and against the proposition that Margaret Thatcher brought about a revolution in British politics.
The Thatcherite Revolution (1979-1997)
The debate between radicals (Moon) and sceptics (Marsh and Rhodes) over the extent to which the Conservatives revolutionised British politics.

Was Thatcher’s triumph the triumph of ‘conviction’ or ‘marketing’? Did she lead or follow public opinion?

What was the impact of Thatcherism on the Labour party?

*B. Coxall and L. Robbins, British Politics Since the War, Macmillan, 1998 – pp 40-48 and 60-65 are essential.
*Anthony Seldon and Daniel Collings, Britain Under Thatcher, Pearson Education, 2000 – chapter 7, Thatcherism in History.
This is an important, short debate (only 14 pages or so in all!) between Moon, who argues that Thatcher was radical, and Marsh and Rhodes who are more sceptical.
*Jeremy Moon, ‘Evaluating Thatcher: Sceptical Versus Synthetic Approaches’ Politics, 14, 2, 1994, pp.43-49.
*David Marsh and R. Rhodes, ‘Evaluating Thatcherism: Over the Moon or Sick as a Parrot?’ Politics, 15, 1, pp.49-54.
*J. Moon, ‘Evaluating Thatcher: Did the Cows Jump Over? A Reply to Marsh and Rhodes’ Politics, 15, 2, 1995 pp.113-116.
%Bill Jones, ‘Conservatism’ in B. Jones et al Politics UK (1994, 2nd edition) – chapter 7 for an excellent, clear, review of Conservatism.
Margaret Scammell, ‘The odd couple: marketing and Maggie’, European Journal of Marketing, vol. 30, no.10/11, 1996.
D. Marsh and R. Rhodes (eds) Implementing Thatcherite Policies (1992) - especially introduction and conclusion
A. Gamble, The Free Economy and the Strong State, 1994 2nd edition - on Thatcherism chapter 7.
S. Ludlam and M. J. Smith (eds) Contemporary British Conservatism, 1996 – particularly chapter 1 and 14.
D. Marsh, ‘Explaining ‘Thatcherite’ Policies: Beyond Uni-dimensional Explanation Political Studies Vol.43, No.4 (1995)

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