Sunday, January 10, 2016

Analyzing Current Health Issues from a Medical Anthropological Perspective

Analyzing Current Health Issues from a Medical Anthropological Perspective

Choose a current health issue that has been in the news in the last three years. 

You may choose from the newspaper articles list for this course if you like, but you should choose a different article than what you used for your newspaper reaction papers. You may also choose articles from other major, reputable news sources. 

Write a critical review of the health issue from the perspective of a medical anthropology. In your review you should include the following: 
  • A brief summary of the health issue
  • The main factors that cause or perpetuate this health issue
  • Who this health issue affects and why
  • The approaches we have covered in this course that would prove most useful to medical anthropologists who want to study or solve this issue (and why)
  • Factors in this health issue that would require other specialists to work with medical anthropologists (and who that might be)
  • Your own critical analysis of the health issue from a medical anthropological perspective
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