Saturday, January 23, 2016

Research Plan on East Asian Culture

Research Plan on East Asian Culture

·         In the research plan present your topic in the form of a primary research question.
·         Ask smaller more specific questions by breaking up the primary research question.
·         Show me what preliminary research you have done by answering the following questions 
1.      What is the significance of the topic:
2.      Is there a body of existing research related to your topic provides a few names and works and attach a bibliography.
3.      What kinds of research materials do you hope to find  What are the likely places where you can find such materials
4.      What theoretical framework or debate will be relevant to your research   5
5.      What is your tentative argument  
6.      What is your timeline for completing this research essay 
Write your research plan in the form of an essay.
·         It should address the questions above but please do not use the question-answer format.
·         The questions are here to guide your writing not to structure it or disrupt its flow.

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