Friday, January 15, 2016

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography 

- Develop a research paper topic (and reasoning), thesis statement, and an annotated bibliography of at least three scholarly sources related to homeland security.
Select a topic for your research paper. 

The topic must be related to any aspect of homeland security you find interesting.

- Identify your topic of choice and discuss your rationale for choosing the topic. What does it mean to you? Why is it important to the field? What is its significance to society? Explain which conceptual lens you will apply to your topic and why you selected this lens. Describe (do not just list) the theories. 

- Include the following in the introductory paragraph of this paper: 
 APA formatted title page 
 The purpose of your paper, including a thesis statement 
 Which lens you will be applying to your selected topic 
 Supporting paragraphs as needed 

The annotated bibliography portion of this paper should include: 
 At least three scholarly sources on homeland security.In addition to the required APA citation for each source, each entry should include a summary of about 100 words.

The summaries should include the following information: 

o A brief explanation/summary of the source. (Identify what the article is about or explain what the author tested, etc.) Do not copy/paste the abstract or the summary from the article and place it in your paper. Paraphrase and summarize the information in your own words. 
o A brief explanation of how this source will contribute to your Final Recovery Plan. 

 The following are examples of what is NOT acceptable for academic research and referencing. These may NOT be used in your paper: o Encyclopedias o Dictionaries o Wikipedia, other wikis, or blogs o,,,, or any similar site o Websites and other sources that do not provide quality researched materials (the site does not use credible sources to support the information in the document).  

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