Monday, September 20, 2010

Agriculture and Poverty

Agriculture and Poverty 

In the agriculture-based countries, which include most of Sub-Saharan Africa, agriculture and its associated industries are essential to growth and to reducing mass poverty and food insecurity. (World Development Report 2008) Critically discuss the view that agriculture offers a route out of poverty for individuals and nations; and, using evidence from recent research, suggest under what conditions governments can expect agriculture to help them achieve national development goals.
Book Title: Poverty. Contributors: Robert W. Kelso - author. Publisher: Longmans, Green. Place of Publication: New York. Publication Year: 1929



Obscurity of the subject. --Poverty is as old as human society. The industrial epoch, now in full swing, has given it a new amplitude and an added meaning. Scholars in all ages have sought to define the problem of poverty; to isolate it for purposes of analysis; to identify it with intent to reveal its causes and discuss its remedies. Yet to the student seeking light, the subject remains obscure. Its literature is confused; entangled in a morass of timid beliefs and bad reasoning. Masters of thought, like Locke, Mill, Darwin, Huxley, have contributed most to the philosophy of the subject; but since their day the world has erupted in the volcanic discharge of modern industrialism: the science of psychology has come into being; and much that formerly resided in superstitious beliefs has been added to the realm of reason. The world is still without an adequate treatise upon the riddle of poverty, its causes and remedies, in the light of present-day knowledge and experience.

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