Friday, September 24, 2010

Intellectual Property Law

 Intellectual Property Law

1. Ruritania is planning to adhere to the TRIPS agreement. At present it has no form of intellectual property protection for either plan or animal varieties. Advise the Ruritanian government as to what steps, if any, it needs to take to become TRIPS compliant in this respect, and what options it may have.

2. 'A troublesome problem at the present time is the attempts by manufacturers to use the trade marks system to obtain protection for industrial designs, and the use of the European designs registration system to gain protection for trade marks'. Discuss.

3. 'Strengthening the Berne reproduction right has done little to deal with the problems thrown up by the internet, and attention needs now to focus on the communication right.' Discuss.

4. The European patent system may be amended in the foreseeable future to incorporate a 'doctrine of equivalents'. How would the introduction of such a doctrine change the situation which exists at present under Article 69 European Patent Convention and the protocol to it?

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