Friday, December 18, 2015

Human Resources Management: Gender Parity and Strategic Support

Human Resources Management: Gender Parity and Strategic Support

Write a ten page research paper related to data analytics in Human Resource Management referencing a minimum of five scholarly referred journal articles multiple times throughout your paper.  

Make sure that your scholarly referred journal articles are within five years of publication.

The paper must consist of a thesis statement table of contents and abstract.

Emphasis will be placed on the following data analytic topics to choose from in writing your paper Gender Parity and strategic support.     

Please remember to follow the composition requirements stated below as well as to proof-read for spelling and grammatical errors. 

Write in third person throughout as well as in non-sexist language.

The ten pages refer to the text of your paper not the title page list of references, etc. my instructor will not accept any late papers.

 Composition Requirements:

1. One inch margins top and bottom left and right. 

 2. Running head on all pages.

3. Double-space throughout. Do not triple space between paragraphs.

4. Use Times New Roman 12 point type font.

5. The page count does not include the title page the table of contents, abstract or references cited pages.

6. A maximum of ten pages does not mean nine and one-half pages nine and three-quarters pages or even eleven and seven-eight pages.   

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