Sunday, March 6, 2016

Globalization and the Negotiation Process in the Workplace

Globalization and the Negotiation Process in the Workplace

All responses must be written in essay format no less than 500 words minimum.
Please follow APA guidelines for citation of references. Use quotes sparingly in your essay responses  no more than one sentence. All papers must be submitted through Turnit.           
10.   What steps can organizations take to maximize the effectiveness of global managers taking an international assignment  Explain the steps you would take to ensure a successful placement and repatriation.          

1.  Discuss the stages in the negotiation process and how culturally based value systems influence   these stages. Specifically explain two of the points address the following:
a  Explain the role and relative importance of relationship building in different countries    e.g. Germany and Mexico  Japan and US         

b  Describe differences in culturally-based styles of persuasion        

c Discuss how non-verbal behaviors affect the negotiation process in a cross-cultural context.        

e Discuss the various styles and tactics that can be involved in exchanging task-related information.          

2.  Explain the differences between high and low-context cultures giving at least two examples. Describe the differential effects on the communication process. 

7.  What is the impact of multicultural identities on managers leading global team working across borders  Please provide an example.  

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