Sunday, March 27, 2016

International Marketing in the Fashion Industry


The Fashion Industry

1.0          Introduction

International marketing is more complex and carries higher risk than marketing in the home market. The fashion industry in the more developed countries is sophisticated and highly competitive. The Fashion Industry is global and makes a significant contribution to the wealth and wealth generating capacity of many countries including the UK, France and Italy within Europe and has the potential to do likewise in emerging and less-developed countries.
Your tutors have asked you to analyse and evaluate the information in the case study and to consider the potential for developing a European fashion brand for the Chinese market.

2.0          Task

Produce a written report showing your analysis and evaluation of the case study provided using appropriate international marketing theory, concepts and models and your rationale and justification for developing a European fashion brand for Generation Y consumers in China.   

3.0          Specific Questions

Part 1 focuses on the information in the case study and the Fashion Industry in Europe and Part 2 focuses on selecting a European fashion brand to be sold to Generation Y in China

Part 1

Analyse and evaluate the Fashion Industry case study using appropriate international marketing theory and concepts to determine the growth and marketing potential for either Nike, Zara, H&M or Uniqlo  in either Germany, the UK or France. Choose only one fashion brand and one country  Using secondary research (information and data), justify with supporting theory and evidence the growth and marketing potential for your chosen brand and country.

Part 2

Using the information in the case study and what you have learned in Part 1, discuss the strategic positioning of your chosen fashion brand for Generation Y in the Chinese market and recommend two market-entry strategies for entry into China. 

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