Saturday, March 19, 2016

Research Review

Research Review

A research Analysis on the following document:
Hanna Christiansen Oliver Hirsch Anika König Ricarda Steinmayr Bernd Roehrle , (2015),"Prevention of ADHD related problems: a universal preschool program", Health Education, Vol. 115 Iss 3/4 pp. 285 - 300

The analysis should be 2-4 pages in length. It should include:
1. A brief recap of the studies findings, including the correct citation.
2. Strengths and limitations of the studies findings
A. What research approach was used?
-Quantitative, qualitative or both?

B. Depending on your answer to the first question, select questions from the following:

- Is the study manipulative or non-manipulative?
- Was random assignment used?
- Were any statistical tests significant?
- How large was the effect size?
- Are there any confounding variables?
- Is there evidence of blind testing?
- Are the measures and procedures reliable, valid and objective?
- Is there evidence of triangulation?
- Can the results be generalized to real life situations?
- If different age groups are used, is the study longitudinal or cross-sectional?
- Do the data fit the story told?
- Is there evidence of member checking?
- Are the results credible, transferable, dependable and confirmable?
3. Personal reaction to the findings.
- I think if this universal preschool Program can positively affect kids as to lower the chances of having ADHD, then it should definitely be implemented.

Hanna Christiansen Oliver Hirsch Anika König Ricarda Steinmayr Bernd Roehrle , (2015),"Prevention of ADHD related problems: a universal preschool program", Health Education, Vol. 115 Iss 3/4 pp. 285 - 300
Pressley, M. & McCormick, C.B. ( 2007). Child and Adolescent Development for Educators. New York, NY: Guilford Press

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