Chrysler Corporation and Daimler-Benz A.G.
Case 43: Negotiations between Chrysler Corporation and Daimler-Benz A.G.
Description: Synopsis of case: Set in February 1998, this case reflects the perspective of the CEO of Chrysler Corporation as his firm approaches negotiations to merge with Daimler-Benz A.G. There are a number of issues for agreement, including price, form of payment, form of transaction, need for shareholder vote, choice of accounting and tax treatment, possible side-deals for major shareholders, governance structure, country of headquarters, and official language.
At the end of this case study, you should be able to:
Value the firms based on discounted cash flow, comparable transactions multiples, and current market prices. Analyze the individual strengths and weaknesses of each side, as well as the strategic fit between the companies. Evaluate the asymmetries in expectations, bargaining strengths, and goals between the two sides. Describe the practical aspects of mergers and acquisitions with respect to exchange ratio of shares, accounting for acquisitions, tax exposure, dilution, and voting power.
Study questions:
1. What is the situation faced by Chrysler? What are the strengths and weaknesses of this company, and those of Daimler-Benz?
2. What are the strategic motives for the two companies to negotiate?
3. What are the likely high and low values of Chrysler? What are those of Daimler-Benz? How did you estimate those values? What are the key value drivers?.
4. Prepare a specific recommendation for the structure of a proposed combination of Daimler and Chrysler, addressing all of the negotiable items.
Epilogue: What were the final terms of the deal and the developments since the merger was consummated?
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