Emerging Business Themes
Question 1
Considerations related to ethical practice have become an increasingly
important aspect of business decision-making.
Provide a definition of ethical decision-making, and discuss how the
increasing pressure to incorporate this into corporate practice is impacting
upon ONE selected organisation. In particular identify the key activities
which are most affected and discuss how they may need to continue to
adapt over the remainder of this decade.
Question 2
The last decade has witnessed the rapid growth of recently emerged (or
re-emerged) national economies. Current trends suggest a changing
balance of world economic order over the next two decades with the
emergence of Brazil, Russia, India and China as major players.
Discuss how your chosen organisation may need to react to take
advantage of the resulting opportunities, and/or to avoid potential dangers.
Question 3
The trading year of 2012 has been particularly difficult for many
organisations, with the economic recovery having gained little momentum.
Select one organisation and identify the main challenges it faces in the
current economic climate.
Consider ways in which customer relations may be improved and how this
might help to protect the organisation from future difficulties in its trading
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