Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Managing Information: Human Resource Management

Managing Information: Human Resource Management

In essence the purpose of an information system is to deliver the right information, to the right people at the right time, and in the right format.  Critically evaluate the ways in which an information system of your choice might enhance, or hinder, your role as an HR professional.

You can take an operational approach and evaluate a specific system that you are currently using in your present job; you can take a more tactical approach and look at systems design implications and how to improve work flow, data management or systems integration for example, or you can take a strategic overview and consider all encompassing issues such as ethical and security implications of integrated and/or online systems, social networks, outsourcing, cloud computing etc.  It is entirely up to you. 

You will be expected to undertake research beyond the given text and course notes and you are expected to construct a lucid and coherent argument, from a systems perspective, in which you will analyse your chosen system in terms of its IT, contribution to the wider system and your HR role and how well it fits within its intended department, and the wider organisation.

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