Wednesday, July 21, 2010

World Health: Determinants and Realities

World Health: Determinants and Realities 

Review the three articles you read earlier. For this assignment:
  • McKeown's 1978 article, Determinants of Health.
  • Szreter's 2002 article, Rethinking McKeown: The Relationship Between Public Health and Social Change.
  • Colgrove's 2002 article, The McKeown Thesis: A Historical Controversy and Its Enduring Influence.
McKeown suggests that there are influences on health that should be considered in framing health policy and in any efforts to improve the health of the population.
  • How does an application of McKeown's ideas explain the changes in the health status of the nation?
  • Do you agree or disagree with the conclusions that are reached by applying McKeown's ideas? Why or why not?
  • What are the implications of his theory on the current status of the nation's health?
Earlier, you were asked to read a summary report of the World Health Organization’s Web page, Commission on Social Determinants of Health. For this assignment, describe how you would integrate the realities of world health—specifically the effect of economic and political policy—with the theoretical and conceptual aspects of study and program design. What benefits and drawbacks are inherent in applying empirical literature and evidence-based strategies to programs intended to address the health disparities described in the commission’s report? Support your points with references to your readings and research or to other scholarly resources.

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