Thursday, September 25, 2014

Managing Corporate Responsibility: Importance of Corporate Governance

Managing Corporate Responsibility: Importance of Corporate Governance

    Understand the importance of responsible corporate governance in organisations.

  • Identify and describe the importance of having responsible corporate governance (In this question, you are required to explain the importance of CG in the context of the News of the World scandal).

  • Analyse the UK regulatory requirements (Corporate Governance Codes) that shape corporate governance. (You are required to use your analytical skills to show how the legal and regulatory CG requirements should have been incorporated within the News of the World as in a company, so as to make the employees aware of the need to adopt the best practice requirements).

  • Evaluate and analyse the impact of UK's regulatory requirements (CG codes) on corporate stakeholders' interests in organisation (You are required to identify the stakeholders of the News of the World and then evaluate and analyse the impact)

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