Hospitality Management: Accommodation Management
“Accommodation management in hotels
requires a smooth interaction of departments and roles in order to achieve
optimum performance. Discuss the
significance of this statement and how the roles of hotel employees contribute
to this.”
Module Text Book
Wood, R.C. (2013) Key Concepts
in Hospitality Management. 1st ed. London: Sage.
Recommended Texts and
Abbott, P. & Lewry, S. (1999)
Front Office Procedures, Social Skills, Yield & Management. 2nd ed. Butterworth-Heinemann.
Baker, S., Huyton, J. &
Bradley, P. (2000) Principles of Hotel Front Office Operations. 2nd. Ed. Continuum.
Bardi, J. A. (2010) Hotel
Front Office Management, 5th ed. John Wiley & Sons, New Jersey.
Berry, L., Wall, E., Carbone, A. and Lewis, P. (2006). Service
clues and customer assessment of the service experience: Lessons from
marketing. The Academy of Management
Perspectives, 20 (2), 43-57.
Bitner, M. (1992) Servicescapes:
The impact of physical surroundings on customers and employees. Journal of Marketing, 56 (April),
Czepiel, J. A., Solomon, M. R.
& Surprenant, C. F. (eds.) (1985) The
Service Encounter. Managing
Employee/Customer Interaction in Service Businesses. Lexington Books, pp.101-112.
Dix, C. & Baird, C. (1998) Front Office Operations. 4th ed. Longman.
Hoffman, K. D., Bateson, J. E.
G., Wood, E. H. & Kenyon, A. J.
(2009) Services Marketing: Concepts, Strategies and Cases. 3rd ed. Thomson, South Western.
Johnston and Clark
(2005) Service Operations Management: Improving Service Delivery.
2nd ed. Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
Kandampully, J. A. (2007) Services
Management: The New Paradigm in Hospitality. Pearson, Prentice Hall: New Jersey.
Lovelock, C. Wirtz, J. &
Chew, P. (2009) Essentials of Services Marketing. Pearson Ed.
O'Fallen. J. & Rutherford, D.
G. (2010) Hotel Management and Operations.
5th ed. John Wiley & Sons.
Verginis, C. Wood, R. (2002) Accommodation Management. Thomson Learning.
Woods, Ninemeier, Hayes and Austin (2006) Professional
Front Office Management. Prentice Hall.
Yeoman, I.,
& Ingold, A. (2000) Yield Management
Strategies for Service Industries.
Edington Hook.
Zeithaml, V. A., Bitner, M. J.
& Gremler, D.
D. (2005), Services
Marketing, 4th ed. McGraw
Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
The Hospitality Review
Lodging Hospitality
Caterer and
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
International Journal of Hospitality Management
International Journal of
Service Industry Management Facilities
Facilities Design and Management.
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